2023/10/07 11:14:34



1.两篇文章的相同点(题干关键词:both texts, most likely agree)



我们先来看第1种问法:找相同点。此题型难度系数较低,它的问法基本是都是 both texts would most likely agree 这种形式的,既然是两篇文章都同意的内容,那正确选项一定能在两篇文章都找到对应。



Text 1

In 1916, H. Dugdale Sykes disputed claims that The Two Noble Kinsmen was coauthored by William Shakespeare andJohn Fletcher. Sykes felt Fletcher’s contributions to the play were obvious—Fletcher had a distinct style in his other plays, so much so that lines with that style were considered sufficient evidence of Fletcher’s authorship. But for the lines not deemed to be by Fletcher, Sykes felt that their depiction of women indicated that their author was not Shakespeare butPhilip Massinger.

Text 2

Scholars have accepted The Two Noble Kinsmen as coauthored by Shakespeare since the 1970s: it appears in all major one-volume editions of Shakespeare’s complete works. Though scholars disagree about who wrote what exactly, it is generally held that on the basis of style, Shakespeare wrote all of the first act and most of the last, while John Fletcher authored most of the three middle acts.

Based on the texts, both Sykes in Text 1 and the scholars in Text 2 would most likely agree with which statement?

A.John Fletcher’s writing has a unique, readily identifiable style.

B.The women characters in John Fletcher’s plays are similar to the women characters in Philip Massinger’s plays.

C.The Two Noble Kinsmen belongs in one-volume compilations of Shakespeare’s complete plays.

D.Philip Massinger’s style in the first and last acts of The Two Noble Kinsmen is an homage to Shakespeare’s style.

先看text 2,看完之后可以很容易排出B和D选项,因为text 2 全篇都没有提到the two women characters或Philip Massinger这些人物。再看text1, 全篇都没有提到one-volume compilations, 因此答案选A。A项在text 1中对应”Fletcher had a distinct style ”,在text 2中对应“it is generally held that on the basis of style, Shakespeare wrote all of the first act and most of the last, while John Fletcher authored most of the three middle acts.” 即根据style判断出来John写了中间几幕,说明他的风格还是很好认的。

再来看第二种问法:找不同点。此种问法也是可汗给出的练习题,它比第1种问法稍难,题干有关键词”difference”, 选项结构目前有两种:

1,the author of text 1 argues/ suggests/ claims / believes…. than the author of text 2 argues/ suggests/ claims / believes

此题型问两篇文章的不同点,选项以比较的形式( than )出现,比较的必然是某一个变量。可以先看text 1,排除掉完全没提到的变量。再看text 2进行验证。


Text 1

Most scientists agree that the moon was likely formed after a collision between Earth and a large planet named Theia. This collision likely created a huge debris field, made up of material from both Earth and Theia. Based on models of this event, scientists believe that the moon was formed from this debris over the course of thousands of years.

Text 2

Researchers from NASA’s Ames Research Center used a computer to model how the moon could have formed. Although simulations of the moon’s formation have been done in the past, the team from NASA ran simulations that were much more detailed. They found that the formation of the moon was likely not a slow process that took many years. Instead, it’s probable that the moon’s formation happened immediately after impact, taking just a few hours.

Which choice best describes a difference in how the author of Text 1 and the author of Text 2 view the evidence for the formation of the moon?

A.The author of Text 1 argues that the formation of the moon occurred much earlier than the author of Text 2 argues.

B.The author of Text 1 suggests there is more evidence confirming the existence of Theia than the author of Text 2suggests.

C.The author of Text 1 claims that the moon’s surface is more similar to Earth’s surface than the author of Text 2 claims.

D.The author of Text 1 believes that the moon formed more slowly than the author of Text 2 believes.

先看text 1, 看完之后看选项中引入的比较变量,A选项在比较“月球形成的时间点”,B选项在比较“证据的数量”,C选项在比较“月球表面与地球表面的相似度”,D选项在比较“月球形成时间的快慢”。其中D选项提到的变量对应text 1的“over the course of thousands of years”, 因此为正确答案。


2the author of text argues that…, while /whereas the author of text 2 believes….



常见的错误选项特征:1,引入无关变量或元素 2,与原文矛盾 3,以偏概全 4,无中生有的因果关系 5,无中生有的比较,6,搞错对象


Text 1

Despite its beautiful prose, The Guns of August, Barbara Tuchman’s 1962 analysis of the start of World War I, has certain weaknesses as a work of history. It fails to address events in Eastern Europe just before the outbreak of hostilities, thereby giving the impression that Germany was the war’s principal instigator. Had Tuchman consulted secondary works available to her by scholars such as Luigi Albertini, she would not have neglected the influence of events in Eastern Europe onGermany’s actions.

Text 2

Barbara Tuchman’s The Guns of August is an engrossing if dated introduction to World War I. Tuchman’s analysis of primary documents is laudable, but her main thesis that European powers committed themselves to a catastrophic outcome by refusing to deviate from military plans developed prior to the conflict is implausibly reductive.

Which choice best describes a difference in how the authors of Text 1 and Text 2 view Barbara Tuchman’s The Guns ofAugust?

A.The author of Text 1 argues that Tuchman should have relied more on the work of other historians, while the author of Text 2 implies that Tuchman’s most interesting claims result from her original research.

B.The author of Text 1 believes that the scope of Tuchman’s research led her to an incorrect interpretation, while the author of Text 2 believes that Tuchman’s central argument is overly simplistic.

C.The author of Text 1 asserts that the writing style of The Guns of August makes it worthwhile to read despite any perceived deficiency in Tuchman’s research, while the author of Text 2 focuses exclusively on the weakness ofTuchman’s interpretation of events.

D.The author of Text 1 claims that Tuchman would agree that World War I was largely due to events in Eastern Europe, while the author of Text 2 maintains that Tuchman would say that Eastern European leaders were not committed to military plans in the same way that other leaders were.

这里的几个选项不像上一题用than来比较一个变量,而是各说各的。可以看完其中一篇后看对应的部分,比如我们可以先看短的text 2,然后看每个选项的后半句,进行一轮排除。

A项后半句错误,尽管original research和claim在原文都有对应的地方,但二者之前并无因果关系。属于常见错误选项特征”无中生有的因果关系”。

B项后半句正确,对应“her main thesis is implausibly reductive”, main thesis与central argument是同义替换,reductive与simplistic是同义替换。

C项后半句错误,text 2有提到作品好的一面,对应“analysis of primary documents is laudable”,属于“以偏概全”。


因为只需要看text 2 就可以排除掉ACD三个选项,那么第1篇文章便不再需要看,答案为B。


这种问法的题目两篇都需要看,但有侧重点。首先要认真审题,搞清楚题目问的是哪篇文章的看法,对什么的看法。比如如果问text 2对 text 1结论的看法,那么就先看text 1的结论在说什么,虽然整篇都需要看,但可以详略得当,重点关注结论。搞清楚结论后,再看text 2的内容


Text 1

Conventional wisdom long held that human social systems evolved in stages, beginning with hunter-gatherers forming small bands of members with roughly equal status. The shift to agriculture about 12,000 years ago sparked population growth that led to the emergence of groups with hierarchical structures: associations of clans first, then chiefdoms, and finally, bureaucratic states.

Text 2

In a 2021 book, anthropologist David Graeber and archaeologist David Wengrow maintain that humans have always been socially flexible, alternately forming systems based on hierarchy and collective ones with decentralized leadership. The authors point to evidence that as far back as 50,000 years ago some hunter-gatherers adjusted their social structures seasonally, at times dispersing in small groups but also assembling into communities that included esteemed individuals.

Based on the texts, how would Graeber and Wengrow (Text 2) most likely respond to the “conventional wisdom”presented in Text 1?

A.By conceding the importance of hierarchical systems but asserting the greater significance of decentralized collective societies

B.By disputing the idea that developments in social structures have followed a linear progression through distinct stages

C.By acknowledging that hierarchical roles likely weren’t a part of social systems before the rise of agriculture

D.By challenging the assumption that groupings of hunter-gatherers were among the earliest forms of social structure

首先审题,明白是问text 2对”conventional wisdom”的看法,回到text 1, 定位到第1句,有时候只看这一句就够了,有时候又需要更多信息,建议都看,但后面可以略看。看完之后仔细看text 2的看法,发现text 2 第1句话就直接否认了该conventional wisdom。

A项错误,“greater signification”属于“无中生有的比较”。

B项正确,“disputing”一词概括了text 2的态度,后面的内容就是text 1 “conventional wisdom”的具体内容。即text 2 驳斥了text 1的主要观点。

C项错误,text 2 没有提到agriculture,属于“引入无关元素”

D项错误,text 2 的确是在challenge conventional wisdom, 但攻击点在”evolved in stages”, 而不是”beginning with hunter-gatherers”,属于“搞错对象”




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