SAT机考的科目中,大部分同学觉得阅读Module 2 的harder 模式存在段落长、逻辑复杂、答题时间紧张等困难。尤其是科学类段落,觉得很难在有限的答题时间中很快理出一个头绪,分析好文本里的逻辑关系并高效筛选选项。其实科学类段落中是有一些固定的考点的,比如研究的目的与结果、变量的设置与对比等,分析好这些考点,就可以很快理清文本逻辑,正确评估选项。今天我们来讨论一下科学类段落中的一个常见的考点——实验缺陷和问题。
科学类段落里经常会介绍实验过程和结果,而介绍实验过程的时候,有时候会包括一些实验设计的一些缺陷和问题,有一些题型比如细节题和推理题就经常针对这些缺陷和问题出题。常见的缺陷和问题比如样本量(sample size)不够大,没有设置对照组(control group),没有对照实验前的基准线(baseline)或者衡量结果的标准设置(criterion)有问题等,这些都是真题里考过的考点。
Marta Coll and colleagues’ 2010 Mediterranean Sea biodiversity census reported approximately 17,000 species, nearly double the number reported in Carlo Bianchi and Carla Morri’s 2000 census—a difference only partly attributable to the description of new invertebrate species in the interim. Another factor is that the morphological variability of microorganisms is poorly understood compared to that of vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, and algae, creating uncertainty about how to evaluate microorganisms as species. Researchers’ decisions on such matters therefore can be highly consequential. Indeed, the two censuses reported similar counts of vertebrate, plant, and algal species, suggesting that ______
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A. Coll and colleagues reported a much higher number of species than Bianchi and Morri did largely due to the inclusion of invertebrate species that had not been described at the time of Bianchi and Morri’s census.
B. some differences observed in microorganisms may have been treated as variations within species by Bianchi and Morri but treated as indicative of distinct species by Coll and colleagues.
C. Bianchi and Morri may have been less sensitive to the degree of morphological variation displayed within a typical species of microorganism than Coll and colleagues were.
D. the absence of clarity regarding how to differentiate among species of microorganisms may have resulted in Coll and colleagues underestimating the number of microorganism species.
通过文本分析我们知道,Marta Coll和同事对地中海海洋生物的数据普查结果是17000个物种,是Carlo Bianchi 和Carla Morri2000 年数据的两倍,为啥比别人多一倍呢?除了新发现的无脊椎动物之外,还有一个原因就是科学家们对microorganisms 的形态变化缺乏理解,这就是研究的缺陷和问题。比如毛毛虫变成蝴蝶,蝌蚪变成青蛙,这算是一个物种还是两个物种呢?如果算成两个物种,肯定就比另外一种算法数出来的物种多啊,microorganisms 也是如此,大家的数据不一样是因为统计数据的标准不一样,也就是标准出了问题,科学家的主观判定不同,数据就不同。段落中尤其清楚地告诉我们,vertebrate, plant, and algal species数据都差不多,那这个锅就必须是microorganisms 来背啊,因此Marta Coll数据多一倍是因为他们把微生物的不同形态算作是不同物种,而Carlo Bianchi 和Carla Morri认为是同一物种,因为选B。
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