9 月 22日的托福考试落下帷幕,这场考试对于众多怀揣留学梦想的考生来说意义非凡。每一次托福考试都像是一个知识与能力的试炼场,其考情不仅反映了当下托福考试的命题趋势,也为即将参加考试的考生提供了参考。9 月 22日的托福考情回顾|独立口语和学术讨论写作思路解析~
When travel to unfamiliar place, some people prefer to use navigation or smartphone to find a place, others prefer to ask the local people or to find a place by themselves, which do you prefer?
表达关键词:imminent, response time, swift, risk, gas station, reliable, sense of direction, native
原因一: 靠自己实践体验会更好,如果去一个地方旅游,自己寻找路线,那么通过在过程中不断尝试会获得对当地风土人情更加全面地了解;
原因二: 可以交到新的朋友,在向当地人问路的过程当中,通过和对方交流一些关于当地的信息,这样可以在旅途当中多一个朋友。
表达关键词:immersive experience, planning out the route, local customs, in the process of, asking for direction
Doctor DiazWe've been discussing government budgets and the difficult decisions governments must make regarding the use of public funds. Some services are clearly essential and must be paid for by any government, but what about public funding of the arts? Do you believe that governments should provide financial support for artists - for example painters, sculptors, musicians, or filmmakers? Why or why not?
ClaireI enjoy art as much as anyone does, but public funds come from taxes, and I don't think tax payers' hard-earned money should be spent on impractical or inessential items and services. Artists should support themselves by selling their work to private individuals and companies. If they can't find enough buyers, then maybe they should change careers.
PaulPersonally art actually is essential. Lots of public spaces in my hometown just wouldn't be the same without artwork. From statues in public parks to murals painted on the walls of government buildings, my hometown really benefits from funding the artists who created these works. The public spaces are simply more enjoyable for visitors because of the artwork.
1. 看完题目后,选择自己更倾向的方向
governments should provide financial support for artists
当政府给予艺术家财政支持 -> 艺术家可以继续创作更多作品 -> 这些作品可以给人们传递正面的价值观和积极的生活态度 -> 整个社会的道德水平会提升
eg. 此处例子可参考以下关键词:参观博物馆、看到某幅画、发现作者对生活的态度、之后总是想起这样的精神
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